Red Reverse GC Vision 8M
January 19, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362302
Tattoo: CMG 8M

BW 77 LBS | ACT.WW 782 LBS | YW N/A
BW+3 | WW +38 | YW +52 | CE +3 | MILK +22
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red C.D. Home Run 51B
Red C.D. Katie 46D
Red C.D. Katie 208A
A bull with some added frame and length to him. His dam was a big, broody female with a nice udder and lots of milk. A maternal sister sold to Clear Red Angus in 2023.

Red Reverse GC Ozark 10M
February 6, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362960
Tattoo: CMG 10M

BW 90 LBS | ACT.WW 741 LBS | YW N/A
BW+1.8 | WW +41 | YW +67 | CE -1 | MILK +17
Red Ter-Ron Showdown 9G
Red Ter-Ron Ozark 35J
Red Diamond T Monique 9906
Red CRSL Prime Time
Red C.D. Bonus 10E
Red C.D. Bonus 25A

Red Reverse GC Ozark 12M
February 27, 2024
CAA Reg. #2356400
Tattoo: CMG 12M

BW 79 LBS | ACT.WW 642 LBS | YW N/A
BW+0.3 | WW +23 | YW +41 | CE +4 | MILK +24
Red Ter-Ron Showdown 9G
Red Ter-Ron Ozark 35J
Red Diamond T Monique 9906
Red Cattle Creek 733'64A
Red C.D. Gold Kate 230E
Red C.D. Gold Kate 11'09
Red Reverse GC Vision 17M
February 11, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362299
Tattoo: CMG 17M

BW 89 LBS | ACT.WW 677 LBS | YW N/A
BW+4.6 | WW +40 | YW +61 | CE -8 | MILK +19
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red U-2 Renown 193C
Red Ter-Ron Duchess 32F
Red Ter-Ron Duchess 831N

Red Reverse GC Enterprise 19M
January 16, 2024
CAA Reg. #2361327
Tattoo: CMG 19M

BW 78 LBS | ACT.WW 732 LBS | YW N/A
BW+1.1 | WW +44 | YW +80 | CE +4 | MILK +29
Red 9 Mile Franchise 6305
Red 9 Mile Enterprise 8180
Red C-Bar Abigrace Y11
Red North Country 240G
Red C.D. Miss Burgess 143K
Red C.D. Miss Burgess 75F
A heifer safe option that will have you sleeping through the night knowing your heifers will calve on their own. Enterprise 19M comes from a heavy milking dam who was purchased in 2023 from the Chinook Harvest sale.

Red Reverse GC Blueprint 27M
January 13, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362321
Tattoo: CMG 27M

BW 79 LBS | ACT.WW 772 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.6 | WW +39 | YW +69 | CE +3 | MILK +25
Red Glacier Chateau 744
Red Rreds Blue Print H001
Red Rreds Primrose F835
Red Cockburn Assassin 624D
Red JAS Lady 3F
Red JAS Lady 22D
Our first Blue Print calf and we are not disappointed! 27M is an absolute tank of a bull. He may be a little short on ears but he definitely isn't short on pounds. His dam was a Red Roundup purchase and she continues to raise standout calves each year. This guy would be suitable for well developed heifers.

Red Reverse GC Vision 30M
January 24, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362318
Tattoo: CMG 30M

BW 89 LBS | ACT.WW 733 LBS | YW N/A
BW+4.6 | WW +39 | YW +57 | CE -8 | MILK +23
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red C.D. Home Run 51B
Red Kenray Polly 86F
Red Bar 4A Polly 582C
Red Reverse GC Vision 34M
February 15, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362329
Tattoo: CMG 34M

BW 91 LBS | ACT.WW 762 LBS | YW N/A
BW+2.4 | WW +55 | YW +82 | CE -2 | MILK +25
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red U-2 Calibre 30C
Red Count Ridge Iona Je 94G
Red Count Ridge Iona Je 40E
A performance driven Vision 65H son. This bull is about as deep and long as they come. The Iona Je cows have been consistent producers with great udder structure. His dam was just designated Premier in 2025.
Red Reverse GC Jonny 36M
February 1, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362330
Tattoo: CMG 36M

BW 79 LBS | ACT.WW 813 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.1 | WW +45 | YW +78 | CE +5 | MILK +22
Red Six Mile Jonny 541E
Red Reverse GC Jonny 56K
Red Six Mile Goldie 70H
Red MRLA Upload 165E
Red Ter-Ron Larkaba 71G
Red McGowan Larkaba 57E

Red Reverse GC Jonny 37M
January 16, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362325
Tattoo: CMG 37M

BW 83 LBS | ACT.WW 852 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.9 | WW +42 | YW +69 | CE +6 | MILK +29
Red Six Mile Jonny 541E
Red Reverse GC Jonny 56K
Red Six Mile Goldie 70H
Red Lauron Block Buster 78B
Red Lauron Sally 10G
Red Lauron Sally DSN 56W
This bull screams future herd bull! Tons of volume, mass and rib shape on top of having near perfect feet. Jonny 37M is long with a strong top line and quiet disposition. He gained a lot of attention at Swift Current Ridin' and Recitin' Pen show this fall.

Red Reverse GC Vision 48M
February 2, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362331
Tattoo: CMG 48M

BW 71 LBS | ACT.WW 765 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.8| WW +40 | YW +53 | CE +5 | MILK +24
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red Skinner Rambler 23E
Red Reverse GC Blackbird 19H Red Lauron Blackbird 16F
A moderate framed son out of the prized Blackbird cow family. 48M's dam is a well balanced female boasting a square udder with ideal teats.

Red Reverse GC Armani 52M
January 3, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362327
Tattoo: CMG 52M

BW 79 LBS | ACT.WW 857 LBS | YW N/A
BW+1.5 | WW +55 | YW +91 | CE +3 | MILK +27
Black Wheel Dracarys 86G
Red Allison Armani 222J
Red Allison Spring Rose 83F
Red Count Ridge Bullet 134E
Red Reverse GC Princess 11H
Red C.D. Princess 21E
The only Armani son that will be offered. The Princess cows are a high performing cow family that is known for packing on the pounds. Armani 222J was used to add a little extra calving ease into our mature cows without sacrificing productivity and we ended up with the results we were looking for.

Red Reverse GC Ozark 53M
January 24, 2024
CAA Reg. #2356701
Tattoo: CMG 53M

BW 78 LBS | ACT.WW 730 LBS | YW N/A
BW+1 | WW +34 | YW +60 | CE +1 | MILK +25
Red Ter-Ron Showdown 9G
Red Ter-Ron Ozark 35J
Red Diamond T Monique 9906
Red C.D. Keystone 52D
Red Reverse GC Beulah 22H
Red Count Ridge Beulah 21E
Red Reverse GC Cannon Fire 61M
February 3, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362323
Tattoo: CMG 61M

BW 67 LBS | ACT.WW 744 LBS | YW N/A
BW-2.2 | WW +47 | YW +80 | CE +11 | MILK +28
Red C.D. Cannon Fire 28G
Red Reverse GC Cannon Fire 1J
Red Count Ridge Cherok 42E
Red Reverse GC Gold Rush
Red Reverse GC Blackbird 19J
Red Lauron Blackbird 16F
The Blackbird cow family strikes again with another fantastic calf. These mid framed cows always produce a stellar calf no matter what way you breed them. They may also have the best udders and feet on the place.

Red Reverse GC Mack 63M
January 8, 2024
CAA Reg. #2360765
Tattoo: CMG 63M

BW 76 LBS | ACT.WW 815 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.1 | WW +38 | YW +59 | CE +6 | MILK +27
Red Topham Peterbilt 415B
Red Dwajo Mack 4F
Dwajo Lady 67Y
Red C.D. Cannon Fire 28G
Red Reverse GC Lady 27J
Red JAS Lady 3F
We specifically bought Mack 4F semen for his calving ease qualities and got the exact result we were looking for. Mack 63M is a dark, cherry red bull with good, dark feet to match. His dam is a moderate framed cow who outdoes herself every year. We kept a maternal brother for use on our own heifers and can't wait to see his calves.

Red Reverse GC Vision 67M
January 12, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362300
Tattoo: CMG 67M

BW 97 LBS | ACT.WW 755 LBS | YW N/A
BW+5.7 | WW +51 | YW +78 | CE -9 | MILK +26
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red C.D. Cannon Fire 28G
Red Reverse GC Selena 15J
Red C Anchor Fancy

Red Reverse GC Vision 72M
January 24, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362303
Tattoo: CMG 72M

BW 67 LBS | ACT.WW 720 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.8 | WW +39 | YW +58 | CE +5 | MILK +25
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red Lauron Google It 39G
Red Reverse GC Sally 37J Red Lauron Sally 10G
A smooth made Vision son safe for your heifer pen. Vision 72M is built with a nice head and smooth shoulders with some added length.

Red Reverse GC Vision 79M
February 14, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362335
Tattoo: CMG 79M

BW 91 LBS | ACT.WW 758 LBS | YW N/A
BW+3.6 | WW +47 | YW +74 | CE -4 | MILK +24
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Reverse GC Vision 28K
Red C.D. GR Queen 41F
Red U2 Reckless 306F
Red Allison Bess 139H
Red LPH Bess 61U
Red Reverse GC Ozark 87M
February 9, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362297
Tattoo: CMG 87M

BW 77 LBS | ACT.WW 702 LBS | YW N/A
BW+0.4 | WW +28 | YW +54 | CE +4 | MILK +24
Red Ter-Ron Showdown 9G
Red Ter-Ron Ozark 35J
Red Diamond T Monique 9906
Red Delmar Domain 50B
Red C.D. Selena 227D
Red C.D. Selena Z 230'11
If you're looking to build your herd up with top notch replacement females, this is the bull to get the job done. The Selena cow family is one of the most productive families on the ranch. Every daughter this cow has produced has been retained in herd. These females have beautiful udders, good feet and always raise a calf no matter what way you breed them.

Red Reverse GC Amplify 88M
February 22, 2024
CAA Reg. #2361325
Tattoo: CMG 88M

BW 62 LBS | ACT.WW 637 LBS | YW N/A
BW-2.1 | WW +37 | YW +64 | CE +10 | MILK +28
Red Wilbar Regenerate 637H
Red Watson Regenerate 216K Red Watson Blaze 7147E
Red Reverse GC Gold Rush
Red Reverse GC Goldn Susie 43K
Red C.D. Golden Susie 74G
The youngest bull on offer and one of the safest heifer options available. Catch a few extra Zzz next calving season after letting this guy run with your heifers.

Red Reverse GC Cinch 90M
January 1, 2024
CAA Reg. #2361324
Tattoo: CMG 90M

BW 64 LBS | ACT.WW 797 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.8 | WW +56 | YW +95 | CE +8 | MILK +28
Red LSF Saga 1040Y
Red Pie Cinch 4126
Red TXP Bonne Bel 110
Red LSF SRR Elite 5356C
Red Reverse GC Cherok 30K
Red Reverse GC Cherok 1H
The first bull to have sold from the pen and for good reason. This Cinch calf packed on the pounds over the summer and has continued to develop into an eye catching bull. Another calving ease option that is also performance driven.

Red Reverse GC Amplify 91M
February 14, 2020
CAA Reg. #2361318
Tattoo: CMG 91M

BW 67 LBS | ACT.WW 647 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.5 | WW +38 | YW +68 | CE +7 | MILK +26
Red Wilbar Regenerate 637H
Red Watson Regenerate 216K Red Watson Blaze 7147E
Red Reverse GC Game Over
Red Reverse GC Cindy 3K
Red Skinner Cindy 1C

Red Reverse GC Amplify 98M
January 22, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362018
Tattoo: CMG 98M

BW 83 LBS | ACT.WW 786 LBS | YW N/A
BW+2 | WW +56 | YW +92 | CE -2 | MILK +22
Red Wilbar Regenerate 637H
Red Watson Regenerate 216K Red Watson Blaze 7147E
Red Count Ridge Bullet 134E
Red Reverse GC Iona Je 34K
Red Count Ridge Iona Je 94G

Red Reverse GC Amplify 100M
January 26, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362020
Tattoo: CMG 100M

BW 67 LBS | ACT.WW 767 LBS | YW N/A
BW-0.6 | WW +50 | YW +85 | CE +6 | MILK +28
Red Wilbar Regenerate 637H
Red Watson Regenerate 216K Red Watson Blaze 7147E
Red U2 Genesis 103G
Red Ter-Ron Alice 100K
Red Ter-Ron Alice 122G
A calving ease option that doesn't sacrifice performance. A well built bull that has an exceptional spread from birth to weaning.

Red Reverse GC Red Wood 106M
January 11, 2024
CAA Reg. #2356401
Tattoo: CMG 106M

BW 81 LBS | ACT.WW 881 LBS | YW N/A
BW+2.1 | WW +48 | YW +81 | CE +2 | MILK +22
Red Duff Cornerstone 16136
Red Duff Red Wood 1941
Duff Dixie Erica 144 1532
Red North Country 71E
Red C.D. Golden Susie 74G
Red C.D. Golden Susie 22E
Red Rood 106M is a bull that is hard to find a fault in. Nice square toes, easy fleshing, dark in colour, the list goes on. His dam is quickly becoming a favourite on the ranch. An easy doing cow with tons of milk and an ideal udder and foot structure.

Red Reverse GC Vision 0M
January 26, 2024
CAA Reg. #2362306
Tattoo: CMG 0M

BW 80 LBS | ACT.WW 809 LBS | YW N/A
BW+1.2 | WW +55 | YW +81 | CE 0 | MILK +26
Red Six Mile Fifth Sense 43F
Red Ter-Ron Vision 65H
Red Ter-Ron Lauryn 151B
Red Lauron Google It 39G
Red Reverse GC Iona Je 34J
Red Count Ridge Iona Je 94G
Another bull out of the Iona Je cow family. This bull is smooth made with added length of spine. Standing on a good set of black feet, this bull could be used on well developed heifers or on cows.